
Fiverr Gig image guidelines

#Fiverr_Gig_image_guidelines_2022 : #fiverr_update
Making the most of your Gig image
Success begins with a great Gig image
In business, image is everything—and first impressions count. When potential buyers see your Gig, its appeal is determined very quickly. If judged as “attractive,” buyers are more likely to click on it and spend more time exploring your service. Use Gig images that stand out to attract buyers and generate more revenue. In short, a great Gig image means more sales—so make the most of how your business presents itself in the marketplace using these Gig image guidelines.
Quick links:
General guidelines
Using a picture of yourself
Showcasing your work
Using text as an image
Using stock images

General guidelines
Note: Guidelines are also applied to Gig video and audio thumbnails. If you need guidance, when creating your Gig image, our dedicated Gig image experts are here to help.

Recommended image size
1280 x 769 px, with a minimum of 712 x 430 and a maximum of 4000 x 2416 px (at 72 DPI).

Resizing images
If you’re using a Mac, use Preview. On Windows, use Photo Gallery. Other free tools are available online.

Image quality
Use sharp and clear images. Avoid pixelated, blurry, stretched, or “squashed” images. Use high-resolution, eye-catching images that stand out to potential buyers.

Number of images per Gig
You can upload up to 3 images—so make them count! If you’d like to combine photo and text, remember that less is more. Keep it simple.

Image usage and commercial rights
Only use images that you have the consent to use. If you plan to use images for commercial purposes, make sure you have the rights.

Don’t use “clickbait”
This can cause frustration among potential buyers, and lower your ranking in search results. Only use images that accurately represent your service.

Gig images must directly relate to the service provided. Random images 
can damage a Gig’s reputation and lower your chances of being chosen for editorial selections.

Never share contact information
Don’t share any contact information in your Gig image. All communication should take place within Fiverr.

Use as little text as possible
Avoid repeating text that’s already somewhere else in your Gig.
Make your Gig stand out
If you have more than one Gig, each Gig’s image and message must be unique.
Be trustworthy
If you’d like to use a photo of yourself, show yourself clearly and face the front. For more information, see Fiverr’s Community Standards.
Name your image file
Make your Gig easier to find with a clear and relevant file name. This can be valuable in terms of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as your Gig can be found in search results.
Objectionable content is not accepted
Example: Adult material or hate speech. For more, see Fiverr’s Community Standards.
Gig images must meet Fiverr’s Terms of Service and Community Standards. If your Gig doesn’t meet the policies’ standards, it will be removed.
Do not use any private information on your Gig images. This applies to both individual and business information relating to yourself or your clients.
Logos: Dos and don’ts
Image usage rights
Don’t use logos without the owner’s consent or the license holder’s permission. Read the Terms of Service for each logo.
Clear and easy to read
Make sure that you’re not overcrowding your Gig image with too much text or too many logos. If you choose to include text, make sure it’s easy to read.

See more  on Fiverr

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